Monday, September 23, 2024

M&C Embodied Cognition

Where the ‘Bad’ and the ‘Good’ Go: A Multi-Lab Direct Replication Report of Casasanto (2009, Experiment 1)

Yuki Yamada, Jin Xue, Panpan Li, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Asil Ali Özdoğru, Şahsenem Sarı, Sergio C. Torres, José A. Hinojosa, Pedro R. Montoro, Bedoor AlShebli, Aidos K. Bolatov, Grant J. McGeechan, Mircea Zloteanu, Irene Razpurker-Apfeld, Adil Samekin, Nurit Tal-Or, Julian Tejada, Raquel Freitag, Omid Khatin-Zadeh, Hassan Banaruee, Nicolas Robin, Guillermo Briseño-Sanchez, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, and Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos

Casasanto (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138, 351–367, 2009) conceptualised the body-specificity hypothesis by empirically finding that right-handed people tend to associate a positive valence with the right side and a negative valence with the left side, whilst left-handed people tend to associate a positive valence with the left side and negative valence with the right side. Thus, this was the first paper that showed a body-specific space–valence mapping. These highly influential findings led to a substantial body of research and follow-up studies, which could confirm the original findings on a conceptual level. However, direct replications of the original study are scarce. Against this backdrop and given the replication crisis in psychology, we conducted a direct replication of Casasanto’s original study with 2,222 participants from 12 countries to examine the aforementioned effects in general and also in a cross-cultural comparison. Our results support Casasanto’s findings that right-handed people associate the right side with positivity and the left side with negativity and vice versa for left-handers.

Keywords: Embodied cognition, Body-specificity hypothesis, Social cognition, Conceptual mapping, Space–valence association, Handedness, Big team science

: Yamada, Y., Xue, J., Li, P., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Özdoğru, A. A., Sarı, Ş., Torres, S. C., Hinojosa, J. A., Montoro, P. R., AlShebli, B., Bolatov, A. K., McGeechan, G. J., Zloteanu, M., Razpurker-Apfeld, I., Samekin, A., Tal-Or, N., Tejada, J., Freitag, R., Khatin-Zadeh, O., . . . Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2024). Where the ‘bad’ and the ‘good’ go: A multi-lab direct replication report of Casasanto (2009, Experiment 1). Memory & Cognition. Advance online publication.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Psi Chi Family Dynamics

Understanding Family Dynamics in a Cross-Cultural Sample: A Multi-National Study

Mary Moussa Rogers, Kelly Cuccolo, Cliff McKinney, John E. Edlund, Jon E. Grahe, Martha S. Zlokovich, Lisa M. Bauer, Tatyana El-Kour, Tabea Hässler, Fanli Jia, Jill Norvilitis, Christina Shane-Simpson, R. Andrew Yockey, Leslie D. Cramblet Alvarez, Léïla Eisner, Thomas Rhys Evans, Hojjatollah Farahani, Sara Haden, Gina Hawkins, Yoshito Kawabata, Tara Stoppa, Asil Ali Özdoğru, Handan Akkas, Olenka Dworakowski, Amber Matteson, Tifani Fletcher, Anamaries Garcia Marrero, Stephanie Godleski, Courtney L. Gosnell, Lynn Heydasch, Amanda Jerge, Arazais D. Oliveros, Melahat Özge Şimşek, Jessica J. Wegman, Stephanie Wright, Sibo Zhao, Parvis Azadfallah, Rhiannon Gibbs, Christopher Koch, Israel Meth, Kalu T. U. Ogba, Irem Metin-Orta, Christopher Redker, Casiana Reyes, Lisa H. Rosen, Rhonda N. Balzarini, and Zornitsa Kalibatseva

The Family Systems Circumplex Model posits that balanced levels of cohesion and adaptability are associated with positive familial outcomes, whereas extremely high or low levels of these factors are associated with deleterious outcomes. Despite the popularity and utility of this model in Western cultures, there is a dearth of empirical data supporting its use in more culturally diverse contexts. The current, preregistered study assessed the Family Circumplex Model, cultural factors, and emerging adult outcomes across 7 countries (i.e., China, Iran, Nigeria, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Participants were N = 3,593 emerging adults, mostly self-identifying as women (71.3%). Collaborators were participants in Psi Chi’s Network for International Collaborative Exchange (NICE) and administered measures related to family dynamics and cultural orientation to participants in a random order. Results indicated that the Family Circumplex Model did not fit cross-culturally. As such, a new model was adapted, the Expanded Circumplex Model, which demonstrated invariance across samples and between women and men. The Expanded Circumplex Model retained 6 constructs with differences regarding the separation of disengagement into 2 variables and the combining of adaptive flexibility and cohesion. The current study suggests that the cultural context in which family dynamics occur should be taken into consideration when conceptualizing family dynamics theory and measurement. Future work should seek to replicate and further apply the Expanded Circumplex Model to familial outcomes.

Keywords: Family Circumplex Model, family dynamics, open science, cross-cultural psychology

: Moussa Rogers, M., Cuccolo, K., McKinney, C., Edlund, J. E., Grahe, J. E., Zlokovich, M. S., Bauer, L. M., El-Kour, T., Hässler, B., Jia, F., Norvilitis, J., Shane-Simpson, C., Yockey, R. A., Cramblet Alvarez, L. D., Eisner, L., Rhys Evans, T., Farahani, H., Haden, S., Hawkins, G., . . . Kalibatseva, Z. (2024). Understanding family dynamics in a cross-cultural sample: A multi-national study. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 29(2), 140–149.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Structural Validity Evidence for the Oxford Utilitarianism Scale Across 15 Languages

Briana Oshiro, William H. B. McAuliffe, Raymond Luong, Anabela C. Santos, Andrej Findor, Anna O. Kuzminska, Anthony Lantian, Asil A. Özdoğru, Balazs Aczel, Bojana M. Dinić, Christopher R. Chartier, Jasper Hidding, Job A. M. de Grefte, John Protzko, Mairead Shaw, Maximilian A. Primbs, Nicholas A. Coles, Patricia Arriaga, Patrick S. Forscher, Savannah C. Lewis, Tamás Nagy, Wieteke C. de Vries, William Jimenez-Leal, Yansong Li, and Jessica Kay Flake

Background: The Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA) recently completed a large-scale moral psychology study using translated versions of the Oxford Utilitarianism Scale (OUS). However, the translated versions have no validity evidence. Objective: The study investigated the structural validity evidence of the OUS across 15 translated versions and produced version-specific validity reports. Methods: We analyzed OUS data from the PSA, which was collected internationally on a centralized online questionnaire. We also collected qualitative feedback from experts for each translated version. Results: For each version, we produced version-specific psychometric reports which include the following: (1) descriptive item and demographics analyses, (2) factor structure evidence using confirmatory factor analyses, (3) measurement invariance testing across languages using multiple-group confirmatory factor analyses and alignment optimization, and (4) reliability analyses using coefficients α and ω.

Keywords: Oxford Utilitarianism Scale, translation, measurement invariance, reliability, Psychological Science Accelerator

Citation: Oshiro, B., McAuliffe, W. H. B., Luong, R., Santos, A. C., Findor, A., Kuzminska, A. O., Lantian, A., Özdoğru, A. A., Aczel, B., Dinić, B. M., Chartier, C. R., Hidding, J., de Grefte, J. A. M., Protzko, J., Shaw, M., Primbs, M. A., Coles, N. A., Arriaga, P., Forscher, P. S., . . . Flake, J. K. (2024). Structural validity evidence for the Oxford Utilitarianism Scale across 15 languages. Psychological Test Adaptation and Development, 5(1), 175-191.

Friday, April 19, 2024

UPPK 2024

Ergenlerde Anne Baba Tutumları, Sosyodemografik Özellikler ve Suç Eğilimi Arasındaki İlişkilerin İncelenmesi

Havagül Aslan ve Asil Ali Özdoğru

Ergenlik dönemi, yaşanan hızlı fiziksel, bilişsel ve sosyal-duygusal değişimlerle çocukluktan yetişkinliğe geçişin gerçekleştiği önemli bir gelişim dönemidir. Bu dönemde anne babaların çocuklarıyla olan ilişkileri gelişimin seyri açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalarda pozitif ebeveynlik davranışlarının ergenlerin beyin gelişimi (Whittle vd., 2014), yaşam doyumu (Li vd., 2023) ve ruh sağlığı (Tabak ve Zawadzka, 2017) gibi birçok gelişimsel çıktıyla ve evlilik istikrarı (Kang ve Jaswal, 2009) ve sosyoekonomik statü (Azad vd., 2014) gibi bazı sosyodemografik özelliklerle ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür. Bu araştırma çalışmasında ergenlerin anne baba tutumlarının sosyodemografik özellikleri ve suç eğilimleriyle olan ilişkisi incelenmiştir. İlişkisel tarama modelinde tasarlan bu araştırma kapsamında Zonguldak ilinin merkez ve çevre ilçelerinde öğrenim gören 235 lise öğrencisinden veri toplanmıştır. Yaş ortalaması 16,18 (SS=0,9) olan katılımcıların %69’u kız öğrencilerden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılar kişisel bilgi formu, Ana Baba Tutum Ölçeği (Kuzgun ve Eldeleklioğlu, 1999) ve Ergenlerde Suça Yönelik Davranım Sorunları Ölçeği’nden (Gürsel, 1997) oluşan bir anketi tamamlamıştır. Elde edilen verilerin normal dağılım özelliği sergilediği görülmüş ve veri analizinde parametrik denence testleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre anne baba tutumu, sosyodemografik özellikler ve suç eğilimi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı seviyede ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir. Anne baba tutumu, ergenlerin cinsiyet, okul türü, gelir düzeyi, anne eğitim durumu ve spor yapma özelliklerine göre farklılık göstermektedir. Koruyucu-istekçi anne baba tutumu ile suça eğilim arasında anlamlı bir negatif korelasyon bulunurken otoriter anne baba tutumu ve demokratik anne baba tutumu ile suça eğilim arasında anlamlı bir pozitif korelasyon bulunmuştur. Erkek, anne babası ayrı yaşayan, sigara ve uyuşturucu kullanan ergenlerin suça eğilim düzeylerinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı seviyede daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bulguları alanyazındaki bulgularla benzerlik ve farklılıklar göstermektedir. Anne baba tutumu ve suç eğiliminin sosyodemografik özellikler ile olan ilişkileri alanyazındaki bulgularla büyük oranda örtüşmekle beraber anne baba tutumu ve suç eğilimi arasındaki ilişkilerde bazı farklılıklar gözlenmiştir. Bu durum çalışmada kuramsal ve yöntemsel açılardan tartışılmıştır.

Atıf: Aslan, H. ve Özdoğru, A. A. (2024, Nisan 19-20). Ergenlerde anne baba tutumları, sosyodemografik özellikler ve suç eğilimi arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi [Sözlü bildiri sunumu]. 6. Uluslararası Pozitif Psikoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

GSOA Bostan

Bostan Oyunu

Asil Ali Özdoğru

Bostan Oyunu, çocuk ve ergenler tarafından Anadolu’da oynanan araçlı ve kurallı bir geleneksel çocuk oyunudur. Doğal oyuncaklardan toprak kullanılarak oynanan oyun, gruplar hâlinde ve açık alanda oynanmaktadır.

Bostan Oyunu’nun tarihiyle ilgili açık bir bilgi tespit edilememiş olsa da oyunun doğal araçlarla oynanan basit ve kolay bir oyun olması eski bir oyun olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Kaşgarlı Mahmut’un hazırladığı Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk adlı eserde toprakla oynanan benzer oyunlar yer almaktadır (Savcı, 2022). Bostan Oyunu’nun da benzer bir tarihî geçmişe ve gelişime sahip olduğu düşünülebilir. ...

Atıf: Özdogru, A. A. (2024). Bostan oyunu. Geleneksel sporlar ve oyunlar ansiklopedisi

Monday, March 18, 2024

Cuurent Psychology Social Support

Social Support and Help-Seeking Worldwide

Erica Szkody, Anjolee Spence, Asil Özdoğru, Bhawna Tushir, Fennie Chang, Handan Akkaş, Ian Sotomayor, Iuliia Pavlova, Ivana Petrovic, Jill Norvilitis, Judith Pena-Shaff, Julia Maney, Kaitlyn Arrow, Laura Rodriguez, Mary Moussa-Rogers, Michael McTighe, Kalu T. U. Ogba, Stephanie Ka Wai Au Yeung, Tara Stoppa, Yuanyuan Yang, Courtney L. Gosnell, Gihane Jérémie-Brink, Joshua J. Van Nostrand, Patrícia Arriaga, Amy Martin, Ana Maksimovic, Andreea Ursu, Arzu Karakulak, Brianna Fitapelli, Brien K. Ashdown, Celia K. Naivar Sen, Chris Chartier, Christina Shane-Simpson, Christopher M. Redker, Cliff McKinney, Danisha Baro, Denisse Manrique-Millones, Eduardo Silva Reis, Eirini Adamopoulou, Eliz Volkan, Ergyul Tair, Ethan Trujillo, Halil Emre Kocalar, Heidi Blocker, Hinza Malik, İrem Metin Orta, Jay Claus Santos, Jon Grahe, Kelly Cuccolo, Liam Wignall, Malorie McLain, Marianna Kosic, Moet Aita, Monique Nash, Ogba Oluchi Miracle, Olivia Christiano, Radosveta Dimitrova, Rahul Varma, Rebecca Mann, Sandesh Dhakal, Sara Estrada-Villalta, Sara Haden, Sarah Hamilton, Selin Metin Camgöz, Shams Aljuberi, Stephanie Chin, Steven Kohn, Sunil K. Verma, Tifani Fletcher, Tushar Singh, Abigail Sanders, Adryana Collado, Akua Adusei, Alaa Itani, Amanda Kaser, Amber Wolfe, Amy Stout, Anahita Akhavan, Angelique Kirton, Ayşe Rezan Çeçen-Eroğul, Bilge Bilir, Camille Dupiton, Caroline Lovett, Chloe Orsini, Christney Kpodo, Christopher Aceto, Clare Redden, Danielle NyKanen, Deniz Yildiz, Emily Lutringer, Ender Sevinç, Erica Baranski, Fahd Khan, Fanli Jia, Gabriel Cramariuc, Guolin Zhang, Hakile Resulbegoviq, Haneen Maree, Harleen Kaur, Jessie Nelson, Jimena Santa Cruz Espinoza, JoAnna Hubbard, John Edlund, John Protzko, Jolie Hoang, Jordan Stork, Jordan Vasu, Jose Verdis Salazar, Karyssa Myhers, Kaylynn Hayward, Kevin Lu, Leisha Beardmore, Liliia Levkiv, Linda Katheryn Hernandez Godoy, Liseth Paulett, María Fernanda Bonilla Gonzalez, Maria Kalantzis, Mariana Rodrigues, Marinés Mejía Álvarez, Marissa Ott, Martha Zlokovich, Mary Kate Brosnan, Mateus Mazzaferro, Melis Yetkin, Mikayla Johnson, Milica Vukelic, Mitchell Clark, Mohammad AlMalik, Neda Fedavi, Noah Means-Simonsen, Onassis Cabrera, Panta Kovacevic, Qingyi Zhang, Rachel Rushing, Rafail Varakis, Randall Richardson, Sara Koch, Savannah Lewis, Scott Barrera, Sifan Zheng, Siyu Liu, Sophia Papka, Sreeja Das, Srijana Ghimire, Tanya Verma, Taylor Hillman, Ugur C. Ozkusen, Xinyi (Spencer) Zhang, Yiwen Gu, Bryce Redd, and Cory J. Cascalheira

Social support has long been associated with positive physical, behavioral, and mental health outcomes. However, contextual factors such as subjective social status and an individual’s cultural values, heavily influence social support behaviors (e.g., perceive available social support, accept support, seek support, provide support). We sought to determine the current state of social support behaviors and the association between these behaviors, cultural values, and subjective social support across regions of the world. Data from 6,366 participants were collected by collaborators from over 50 worldwide sites (67.4% or n = 4292, assigned female at birth; average age of 30.76). Our results show that individuals cultural values and subjective social status varied across world regions and were differentially associated with social support behaviors. For example, individuals with higher subjective social status were more likely to indicate more perceived and received social support and help-seeking behaviors; they also indicated more provision of social support to others than individuals with lower subjective social status. Further, horizontal, and vertical collectivism were related to higher help-seeking behavior, perceived support, received support, and provision of support, whereas horizontal individualism was associated with less perceived support and less help-seeking and vertical individualism was associated with less perceived and received support, but more help-seeking behavior. However, these effects were not consistently moderated by region. These findings highlight and advance the understanding of how cross-cultural complexities and contextual distinctions influence an individual's perception, processing, and practice of social support embedded in the changing social landscape.

Citation: Szkody, E., Spence, A., Özdoğru, A., Tushir, B., Chang, F., Akkaş, H., Sotomayor, I., Pavlova, I., Petrovic, I., Norvilitis, J., Pena-Shaff, J., Maney, J., Arrow, K., Rodriguez, L., Moussa-Rogers, M., McTighe, M., Ogba, K. T. U., Au Yeung, S. K. W., Stoppa, T., . . . Cascalheira, C. J. (2024). Social support and help-seeking worldwide. Current Psychology43, 20165–20181.

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Science Advances Climate

Addressing Climate Change With Behavioral Science: A Global Intervention Tournament in 63 Countries

Madalina Vlasceanu, Kimberly C. Doell, Joseph B. Bak-Coleman, Boryana Todorova, Michael M. Berkebile-Weinberg, Samantha J. Grayson, Yash Patel, Danielle Goldwert, Yifei Pei, Alek Chakroff, Ekaterina Pronizius, Karlijn L. Van Den Broek, Denisa Vlasceanu, Sara Constantino, Michael J. Morais, Philipp Schumann, Steve Rathje, Ke Fang, Salvatore Maria Aglioti, Mark Alfano, Andy J. Alvarado-Yepez, Angélica Andersen, Frederik Anseel, Matthew A. J. Apps, Chillar Asadli, Fonda Jane Awuor, Flavio Azevedo, Piero Basaglia, Jocelyn J. Bélanger, Sebastian Berger, Paul Bertin, Ichał Białek, Olga Bialobrzeska, Michelle Blaya-Burgo, Daniëlle N. M. Bleize, Simen Bø, Lea Boecker, Paulo S. Boggio, Sylvie Borau, Björn Bos, Ayoub Bouguettaya, Markus Brauer, Cameron Brick, Tymofii Brik, Roman Briker, Tobias Brosch, Ondrej Buchel, Daniel Buonauro, Radhika Butalia, Héctor Carvacho, Sarah A. E. Chamberlain, Hang-Yee Chan, Dawn Chow, Dongil Chung, Luca Cian, Noa Cohen-Eick, Luis Sebastian Contreras-Huerta, Davide Contu, Vladimir Cristea, Jo Cutler, Silvana D'ottone, Jonas De Keersmaecker, Sarah Delcourt, Sylvain Delouvée, Kathi Diel, Benjamin D. Douglas, Moritz A. Drupp, Shreya Dubey, Jānis Ekmanis, Christian T. Elbaek, Mahmoud Elsherif, Iris M. Engelhard, Yannik A. Escher, Tom W. Etienne, Laura Farage, Ana Rita Farias, Stefan Feuerriegel, Andrej Findor, Lucia Freira, Malte Friese, Neil Philip Gains, Albina Gallyamova, Sandra J. Geiger, Oliver Genschow, Biljana Gjoneska, Theofilos Gkinopoulos, Beth Goldberg, Amit Goldenberg, Sarah Gradidge, Simone Grassini, Kurt Gray, Sonja Grelle, Siobhán M. Griffin, Lusine Grigoryan, Ani Grigoryan, Dmitry Grigoryev, June Gruber, Johnrev Guilaran, Britt Hadar, Ulf J.J. Hahnel, Eran Halperin, Annelie J. Harvey, Christian A. P. Haugestad, Aleksandra M. Herman, Hal E. Hershfield, Toshiyuki Himichi, Donald W. Hine, Wilhelm Hofmann, Lauren Howe, Enma T. Huaman-Chulluncuy, Guanxiong Huang, Tatsunori Ishii, Ayahito Ito, Fanli Jia, John T. Jost, Veljko Jovanović, Dominika Jurgiel, Ndřej Kácha, Reeta Kankaanpää, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, Keren Kaplan Mintz, Ilker Kaya, Ozgur Kaya, Narine Khachatryan, Anna Klas, Colin Klein, Christian A. Klöckner, Lina Koppel, Alexandra I. Kosachenko, Emily J. Kothe, Ruth Krebs, Amy R. Krosch, Andre P.M. Krouwel, Yara Kyrychenko, Maria Lagomarsino, Claus Lamm, Florian Lange, Julia Lee Cunningham, Jeffrey Lees, Tak Yan Leung, Neil Levy, Patricia L. Lockwood, Chiara Longoni, Alberto López Ortega, David D. Loschelder, Jackson G. Lu, Yu Luo, Joseph Luomba, Annika E. Lutz, Johann M. Majer, Ezra Markowitz, Abigail A. Marsh, Karen Louise Mascarenhas, Bwambale Mbilingi, Winfred Mbungu, Cillian Mchugh, Marijn H.C. Meijers, Hugo Mercier, Fenant Laurent Mhagama, Katerina Michalakis, Nace Mikus, Sarah Milliron, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Fredy S. Monge-Rodríguez, Youri L. Mora, David Moreau, Kosuke Motoki, Manuel Moyano, Mathilde Mus, Joaquin Navajas, Tam Luong Nguyen, Dung Minh Nguyen, Trieu Nguyen, Laura Niemi, Sari R. R. Nijssen, Gustav Nilsonne, Jonas P. Nitschke, Laila Nockur, Ritah Okura, Sezin Öner, Asil Ali Özdoğru, Helena Palumbo, Costas Panagopoulos, Maria Serena Panasiti, Philip Pärnamets, Mariola Paruzel-Czachura, Yuri G. Pavlov, César Payán-Gómez, Adam R. Pearson, Leonor Pereira Da Costa, Hannes M. Petrowsky, Stefan Pfattheicher, Nhat Tan Pham, Vladimir Ponizovskiy, Clara Pretus, Gabriel G. Rêgo, Ritsaart Reimann, Shawn A. Rhoads, Julian Riano-Moreno, Isabell Richter, Jan Philipp Röer, Jahred Rosa-Sullivan, Robert M. Ross, Anandita Sabherwal, Toshiki Saito, Oriane Sarrasin, Nicolas Say, Katharina Schmid, Michael T. Schmitt, Philipp Schoenegger, Christin Scholz, Mariah G. Schug, Stefan Schulreich, Ganga Shreedhar, Eric Shuman, Smadar Sivan, Hallgeir Sjåstad, Meikel Soliman, Katia Soud, Tobia Spampatti, Gregg Sparkman, Ognen Spasovski, Samantha K. Stanley, Jessica A. Stern, Noel Strahm, Yasushi Suko, Sunhae Sul, Stylianos Syropoulos, Neil C. Taylor, Elisa Tedaldi, Gustav Tinghög, Luu Duc Toan Huynh, Giovanni Antonio Travaglino, Manos Tsakiris, İlayda Tüter, Michael Tyrala, Özden Melis Uluğ, Arkadiusz Urbanek, Danila Valko, Sander Van Der Linden, Kevin Van Schie, Aart Van Stekelenburg, Edmunds Vanags, Daniel Västfjäll, Stepan Vesely, Jáchym Vintr, Marek Vranka, Patrick Otuo Wanguche, Robb Willer, Adrian Dominik Wojcik, Rachel Xu, Anjali Yadav, Magdalena Zawisza, Xian Zhao, Jiaying Zhao, Dawid Żuk, and Jay J. Van Bavel

Effectively reducing climate change requires marked, global behavior change. However, it is unclear which strategies are most likely to motivate people to change their climate beliefs and behaviors. Here, we tested 11 expert-crowdsourced interventions on four climate mitigation outcomes: beliefs, policy support, information sharing intention, and an effortful tree-planting behavioral task. Across 59,440 participants from 63 countries, the interventions’ effectiveness was small, largely limited to nonclimate skeptics, and differed across outcomes: Beliefs were strengthened mostly by decreasing psychological distance (by 2.3%), policy support by writing a letter to a future-generation member (2.6%), information sharing by negative emotion induction (12.1%), and no intervention increased the more effortful behavior—several interventions even reduced tree planting. Last, the effects of each intervention differed depending on people’s initial climate beliefs. These findings suggest that the impact of behavioral climate interventions varies across audiences and target behaviors.

Citation: Vlasceanu, M., Doell, K. C., Bak-Coleman, J. B., Todorova, B., Berkebile-Weinberg, M. M., Grayson, S. J., Patel, Y., Goldwert, D., Pei, Y., Chakroff, A., Pronizius, E., Van Den Broek, K. L., Vlasceanu, D., Constantino, S., Morais, M. J., Schumann, P., Rathje, S., Fang, K., Aglioti, S. M., . . . Van Bavel, J. J. (2024). Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries. Science Advances10(6), eadj5778.

Media: Psychology study unearths ways to bolster global climate awareness and climate action. (2024, February 7). NYU News

Monday, February 05, 2024


A Multilab Replication of the Induced-Compliance Paradigm of Cognitive Dissonance

David C. Vaidis, Willem W. A. Sleegers, Florian van Leeuwen, Kenneth G. DeMarree, Bjørn Sætrevik, Robert M. Ross, Kathleen Schmidt, John Protzko, Coby Morvinski, Omid Ghasemi, Andrew J. Roberts, Jeff Stone, Alexandre Bran, Amélie Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, Ceren Gunsoy, Lisa S. Moussaoui, Andrew R. Smith, Armelle Nugier, Marie-Pierre Fayant, Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Obed K. Appiah, Spencer Arbige, Benjamin Aubert-Teillaud, Olga Bialobrzeska, Stéphanie Bordel, Valerian Boudjemadi, Hilmar Brohmer, Quinn Cabooter, Mehdi Chahir, Ianis Chassang, Armand Chatard, Yu Yang Chou, Sungeun Chung, Mioara Cristea, Joséphine Daga, Gregory J. Depow, Olivier Desrichard, Dmitrii Dubrov, Thomas R. Evans, Séverine Falkowicz, Sylvain Ferreira, Tim Figureau, Valérie Fointiat, Théo Friedrich, Anastasia Gashkova, Fabien Girandola, Marine Granjon, Dmitry Grigoryev, Gul Gunaydin, Şevval Güzel, Mahsa Hazrati, Mai Helmy, Ayumi Ikeda, Michael Inzlicht, Sara Jaubert, Dauren Kasanov, Mohammad Mohsen Khoddami, Taenyun Kim, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Rabia I. Kodapanakkal, Alexandra Kosachenko, Kortney Maedge, John H. Mahaney, Marie-Amélie Martinie, Vitor N. Mascheretti, Yoriko Matsuda, Maxime Mauduy, Nicolas Mauny, Armand Metzen, Eva Moreno-Bella, Miguel Moya, Kévin Nadarajah, Pegah Nejat, Elisabeth Norman, Irmak Olcaysoy Okten, Asil A. Özdoğru, Ceyda Ozer, Elena Padial-Rojas, Yuri G. Pavlov, Monica Perusquia-Hernandez, Dora Proost, Aleksandra Rabinovitch, Odile Rohmer, Emre Selcuk, Cécile Sénémeaud, Yaniv Shani, Elena A. Shmeleva, Emmelie Simoens, Kaitlin A. Smith, Alain Somat, Hayeon Song, Fatih Sonmez, Lionel Souchet, John J. Taylor, Ilja van Beest, Nicolas Van der Linden, Steven Verheyen, Bruno Verschuere, Kevin Vezirian, Luc Vieira, Sera Wiechert, Guillermo B. Willis, Robin Wollast, Ji Xia, Yuki Yamada, Naoto Yoshimura, and Daniel Priolo

According to cognitive-dissonance theory, performing counterattitudinal behavior produces a state of dissonance that people are motivated to resolve, usually by changing their attitude to be in line with their behavior. One of the most popular experimental paradigms used to produce such attitude change is the induced-compliance paradigm. Despite its popularity, the replication crisis in social psychology and other fields, as well as methodological limitations associated with the paradigm, raise concerns about the robustness of classic studies in this literature. We therefore conducted a multilab constructive replication of the induced-compliance paradigm based on Croyle and Cooper (Experiment 1). In a total of 39 labs from 19 countries and 14 languages, participants (N = 4,898) were assigned to one of three conditions: writing a counterattitudinal essay under high choice, writing a counterattitudinal essay under low choice, or writing a neutral essay under high choice. The primary analyses failed to support the core hypothesis: No significant difference in attitude was observed after writing a counterattitudinal essay under high choice compared with low choice. However, we did observe a significant difference in attitude after writing a counterattitudinal essay compared with writing a neutral essay. Secondary analyses revealed the pattern of results to be robust to data exclusions, lab variability, and attitude assessment. Additional exploratory analyses were conducted to test predictions from cognitive-dissonance theory. Overall, the results call into question whether the induced-compliance paradigm provides robust evidence for cognitive dissonance.

Keywords: Cognitive dissonance, induced compliance, counterattitudinal essay, attitude change, replication, multilabs

Citation: Vaidis, D. C., Sleegers, W. W. A., van Leeuwen, F., DeMarree, K. G., Sætrevik, B., Ross, R. M., Schmidt, K., Protzko, J., Morvinski, C., Ghasemi, O., Roberts, A. J., Stone, J., Bran, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Gunsoy, C., Moussaoui, L. S., Smith, A. R., Nugier, A., Fayant, M.-P., . . . Priolo, D. (2024). A multilab replication of the induced-compliance paradigm of cognitive dissonance. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science7(1), 1-26.

Media: Multilab replication challenges long-held theories on cognitive dissonance. (2024, February 14). Observer

Monday, January 01, 2024

FYI 2024

There is the world for you. Beauty, true beauty, is intangible. It is in the eye of the beholder. Something that we can lose at any moment, and the more you examine it, the more illusive it becomes. True happiness is virtue, and virtue is predicated on knowledge and righteous conduct.

Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1105) The Alchemy of Happiness

The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is.

Nadine Gordimer (1963) Leaving School—II

A huge solar filament © 2024 E. S. Poupeau

Saturday, July 15, 2023


Turkish University Students' Social Support, Daily Activities, Self-Supportive and Health Risk Behaviors During COVID-19 Pandemic

Gülsen Erden, Sami Çoksan, Asil Ali Özdoğru, Aysun Ergül-Topçu, Yakup Azak, Gözde Kıral Uçar, Hale Ögel-Balaban, İlkiz Altınoğlu Dikmeer, Yeşim Yasak

The present study investigated the relationship between social support, self-supportive behaviors, health risk behaviors, and daily activities of Turkish university students during the first wave of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic. We aimed to reveal how an unexpected global crisis may affect the association between social indicators and health risk behaviors among university students. As part of a large international study, a total of 7,125 university students (71% female) with a mean age of 23.50 (SD = 6.08) from eight universities in Türkiye responded to an online survey during May 2020. Having a romantic relationship and significant other made a difference in students' health risk behaviors and daily activity indicators before and during the pandemic. Self-supportive behaviors and social contact predicted health risk behaviors and daily activity indicators, which differed according to residence location during the pandemic. Findings showed that Turkish university students' health risk behaviors and daily activity choices were influenced not only by the limitations of the pandemic but also individual behaviors and conditions as well as social relationships.

Keywords: University students, COVID-19, social support, health risk

Citation: Erden, G., Çoksan, S., Özdoğru, A. A., Ergül-Topçu, A., Azak, Y., Kıral Uçar, G., Ögel-Balaban, H., Altınoğlu Dikmeer, İ., & Yasak, Y. (2023). Turkish university students' social support, daily activities, self-supportive and health risk behaviors during COVID-19 pandemic. Polish Psychological Bulletin54(1), 37-47.