Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Times Union

School District is Smart to Add Climbing Walls

Asil Ali Özdoğru

The traverse rock-climbing walls that the Schenectady school district has installed ("Rock walls teach students to reach," Nov. 29) are valuable assets in contributing to pupils' physical and psychological development. These walls are essential not only for physical education but also in changing and creating better school environments. An atmosphere only emphasizing academics and instruction is not helpful in creating favorable student perceptions of the school. When this sort of fun and enjoyable activity is associated with schools and combined with formal curriculum, students can have better perceptions of and attitudes about their schools, and education in general. A positive approach to school is vital for student motivation and achievement. Instead of offering activities students like only through after-school activities or other ways, schools should be places offering activities and programs designed in accordance with student interests.

Citation: Özdoğru, A. A. (2004, December 7). School district is smart to add climbing walls [Letter to the editor]. Times Union, p. A18.