Children’s Weekend Activities in Four Countries: Context for Personal and Social Development
Asil Ali Özdoğru
Out-of-school time constitutes a major context of social and emotional development for children across cultures. In this book, which is based on the author’s dissertation study, children’s weekend activities, activity choice, and emotional outcomes were examined among fourth-grade students in Bulgaria, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States. Results suggest that cultures differ in the available and socially acceptable types of weekend activities as demonstrated by the time spent by children in different activities and extent of parental involvement in children’s activity decisions. Weekend time provides important developmental niches within which children in different countries experience activities that contribute to their personal and social developmental outcomes.
Title: Children’s Weekend Activities in Four Countries: Context for Personal and Social Development
By (author): Asil Ali Özdoğru
ISBN-13: 978-613-8-31967-2
ISBN-10: 6138319672
EAN: 9786138319672
Book language: English
Number of pages: 116
Published on: 2018-03-05
Stock: Available
Price: 39.90 €
Category: Education system
Keywords: child development, cross-cultural psychology, weekend activities
Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Theory and Research
Chapter III: The Present Study
Chapter IV: Discussion and Conclusion
About the Author
Citation: Özdoğru, A. A. (2018). Children’s weekend activities in four countries: Context for personal and social development. Berlin, Germany: LAP Lambert.
Asil Ali Özdoğru

Title: Children’s Weekend Activities in Four Countries: Context for Personal and Social Development
By (author): Asil Ali Özdoğru
ISBN-13: 978-613-8-31967-2
ISBN-10: 6138319672
EAN: 9786138319672
Book language: English
Number of pages: 116
Published on: 2018-03-05
Stock: Available
Price: 39.90 €
Category: Education system
Keywords: child development, cross-cultural psychology, weekend activities
Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Chapter I: Introduction
Chapter II: Theory and Research
Chapter III: The Present Study
Chapter IV: Discussion and Conclusion
About the Author
Citation: Özdoğru, A. A. (2018). Children’s weekend activities in four countries: Context for personal and social development. Berlin, Germany: LAP Lambert.