Friday, April 20, 2007

Kelly 2007

Stakeholders as Evaluators in Academic Program Evaluation

Asil Ali Özdoğru

In an attempt to evaluate an academic program, students and faculty, as a major group of stakeholders, can perform various phases of evaluation. This study presents a case example of a graduate program utilizing its constituents in the planning, information gathering, and analysis steps of its process evaluation. A doctoral program in educational measurement and methodology asked one of its seminar groups to carry out the evaluation of program activities and student attitudes about the program. The program accomplished a valid and responsive evaluation as a result of the collaborative group project between students and faculty. Triangulation of different perspectives and experiences provided a rich array of information in the identification of major program components, development of essential outcome measures, and interpretation of evaluation results.

Keywords: Program evaluation, stakeholders, empowerment evaluation

Citation: Özdoğru, A. A. (2007, April). Stakeholders as evaluators in academic program evaluation. Paper presented at the 21st annual Edward Kelly Conference, Ottawa, Canada.

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